Friday, February 08, 2008

Snowman`s Poker Blog

happened across this fantastic blog today. It`s called Diary Of A Crap Poker Player and it`s soooooooo funny. Basically the author, the eponymous Snowman has embarked upon a "Jesus" challenge (the poker variety not water into wine or feeding the masses with a few loaves and fish). He`s started from zero and is trying to work his way to 10k.

Now I know quite a few people have set out on this kind of thing and most blogs about such a subject are likely to be pretty dry reading. Trust me when I say this one isn`t dry or boring. Aside from his encounters with freeroll donkeys he also details his day to day life. His apparently volatile wife, his fiendish mother-in-law and their cat who likes using him to sharpen its claws on.

I read about 30 pages today and it`s consistently funny and at times absolutely hilarious. Whoever Snowman is, he has a real talent for writing. I urge everyone to check it out.


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