Thursday, November 08, 2007

Great Night

I`ve had a great night tonight. It started off pretty badly with me unable to get a connection so that I could play my first league game but things got better.

Gary Wise had Dan Druff on his show talking about the AP scandal and then the Pumped on Poker show had Phil Helmuth as a guest. He was a great interview, very entertaining, very amusing and even though he obviously has a huge ego he is capable of laughing at himself when he`s away from the table. Quip of the night came when he was talking about his new merchandise and he said he night consider selling some of his sperm, part of the poker prodigy line lmao.

I jumped into the Pumped game on Vegas whilst I was listening. I wasn`t going to bother but I`m glad I did. Not because I won, or even cashed. I finished two spots out of the money in 7th place. I could have gotten away from the hand that crippled me too. I could probably have won the hand with a check-raise on the turn to represent the flush (I`d actually made a straight). Unfortunately I flat called and my opponent filled up a boat on the river. I could have folded there too but figured my opponent for a set of aces. I went out a couple of hands later but it was a great little tourney. It was played in good humour throughout and some amusing observer chat livened things up. I had the pleasure of playing with Murry and a couple of other Rounders regulars and really enjoyed the game. If all NLHE tourneys were like that I`d play more often. Unfortunately the donkey element or the foul mouthed bad losers usually ruins them.


Blogger MurryTheCat said...

Hiya Mouse, yeah you caught a couple of bad breaks at the final table. When you doubled up with 6-6 and got on a roll I figured you for final 3. Good game though, I also agree about quality games, more like this one would cut down on the trips to the medicine cabinet lol.

6:16 PM  

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