Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Sweet Smell Of Success

I`ve won my fair share of MTTs now and although I still get a kick out of winning it`s not the same rush that I had with my early wins. However sometimes a win has a special quality that has me pumping the air and shouting "YES!" and I`ve had one of those today.

I was asked if I`d mind sparing in the forum league again and as I had nothing better to do I said yes. It was a short-handed 6 table MTT and I started off ok but had a few setbacks and by the last 2 tables I was very short-stacked. I then hit a lucky hand that set me up to reach the final table. However I was still pretty short-stacked by the time I got there and I found myself down to just 900 chips with the blinds at 300/600 and 5 players left. The blinds were approaching when I looked down at 9s-10s and I decided it was time to go for it, UTG had folded and I pushed, the other 3 players all called and proceeded to check down the hand. Things were looking rather bleak on the flop but I hit runner runner spades to give me a flush and 3,600 chips. I was back in the running and it wasn`t long before we were down to four players, me and three players representing the same team as each other. I was still short-stacked and facing a strong line up. Well I picked my moments and to cut a long story short I took the chip lead and eventually won the entire thing.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTG hun. How did I miss this. Congrats. Those league games are some of the hardest games to play. A lot of very good, solid and aggressive players.

3:57 PM  

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