Saturday, April 07, 2007

My Anniversary!

It`s official, 6th April 2006 I entered into the crazy world of online poker and I haven`t looked back since. When I started I was armed with some book learning but no real experience. I think I`ve come quite a long way in my rookie season, I`ve learnt a hell of a lot by playing against some really quality players so thanks to all the guys and gals at K9 and 5th Street who have helped me improve my game.

In pursuing this hobby I`ve had the chance to meet some great people from all over the world through the forums I`ve joined and of course at the tables. To the outsider I can see that online poker might seem a lonely pursuit but they couldn`t be further from the truth. At pretty much any time day or night I can turn on my pc, start msn or skype and chat with someone. Some of these people I will probably never meet and yet I`m able to share with them the ups and downs of life and poker. To anyone who thinks poker is a bad thing all I can say is you`re very wrong. For me it`s made the world a much smaller and friendlier place. I`ve won a few bucks at the game but the real riches are the friends I`ve made and the laughs I`ve had.

Special thanks must go out to Shaggy and Earl who both had the faith to make me a moderator at their respective forums.

Finally thanks to all my online friends, Novice, Jax, Leafy, Shaggy, Skinski, Bully, Coco, Nemises, ArmySSG, Masala, Brad, Mr Nobody and many many more far too numerous to mention. Thanks for the laughs, the games, the chats and even the bad beats, you guys are great.

Here`s to the next year of poker!


Blogger Unknown said...

Yep , I have to agree poker has diffently made the world a smaller place . I'm also one that is glad that I started playin online . Wishin you and yours the best bud.

12:26 PM  
Blogger MTC said...

Very impressive results in a years time Mouse, although you might want to stay away from that Coco character (lol) See you down the road.

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could not have said that better myself. That is exactly how I see it and feel and it has really enriched me as a person and i have got to know some wonderful people along the way.

You have been an inspiration to me and love ya hun xxx

8:50 AM  

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