Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dream Poker $7,000 Freeroll

Well tonight was the first time I`ve played for a few days. Because I had no other game to play I decided to enter the Dream Poker $7,000 Freeroll. I`m not too keen on these Prima site freerolls because the fields are always huge but I thought I`d give it a shot because 1st place pays $1,600+ and it would kill a couple of hours.

Well I started off and decided to take a few risks, a few hands in I played Ac 2c, flop came pretty good giving me a shot at a straight flush, the nut flush and a straight, turn gave me a shot at the full house but the river was no help and I found myself pretty low on chips, then a few hands later I had only a little under 500 left. I wasn`t too bothered but then the old competitive spirit kicked in, so I tightened up and began a recovery smooth calling pocket rockets and hitting a set. After that I was able to bully a couple of fish off pots. So back at 1k and I hit a lovely run of cards AK, AQ, AJ, a couple of pocket pairs. Normally I`d play these hands pretty aggressively but because I was low stacked I was making minimum raises to get some action and fortunately I hit a few flops. Before I knew it I was up to 8k and suddenly things didn`t look too bad.

I`m not going to go into detail on the hands I played, but I am going to say that on the whole I was very pleased with how I played. My tactic of minimum raising was very successful in getting me action and on a few occassions it saved me from some potentially very damaging situations. The other aspect of my game I was very happy with was the way I took control of some hands that I actually lost. Even though I lost these hands I felt in control all the way through them and because of this I was never pressured into making a potentially bad decision in which I could have lost a great deal more.

I had my fair share of luck, both good and bad in this tourney, but my damage limitation was excellent and I picked my moments for aggressive play very well. I certainly didn`t play a perfect game, but then Phil Ivey says he has never played a perfect session either.

If you haven`t figured it out by now I didn`t win. But in a tourney with 4048 runners I managed to finish 44th. I was very lucky towards the end surviving a couple of all-ins when I was the BB but that`s poker as they say. The payout for this 5 hours of play was nothing special but the satisfaction of playing well and beating over 4,000 other players is priceless.


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